Our Team

Here you can find all the relevant contact information of our team

Tonči Perić - Partner

Tonči Perić

CEO, partner

+385 98 441 225
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Zvonimir Roša - Partner

Zvonimir Roša


+385 91 3737 808
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Siniša Gulin - Direktor razvoja

Siniša Gulin

R&D director

 +385 99 3300 556
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Ozana Križan Majstrović - Tehnički direktor

Ozana Križan Majstrović

Technical director

 +385 91 2234 401‬
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Maja Krakić - Osiguranje kvalitete

Maja Krakić

Head of Quality Assurance

‭+385 91 6775 866‬
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Anton Pletikosa

Anton Pletikosa

Head of Engineering

+385 95 9154 656‬
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Marko Mandić - Voditelj proizvodnje

Marko Mandić

Head of Manufacturing

+385 99 8124 532
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Martina Krstulović - Računovodstvo

Martina Krstulović

Head of Accounting

+385 91 6027 980
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Interested in a technological solution?

What industries do we produce for?

Below the industries we serve with engineering solutions and operational experience:

Food & Beverage Industry

Food & Beverage



Farmaceutska industrija


